Want something totally unique and special? Look no further. Submit a query below for a custom commission and we’ll get back to you with a quote in the next few days.
Most people that come to us for a custom commission come in a few different ways:
- For the experience. The artist will come to your house or you can come to the studioand take photos of you (in you are not in LA, remote zoom photoshoots are also great) You’ll chose a photo that you like together and all of the beautiful conversation that we’ve had will be painted into your custom jacket. Mary Margaret is great at making people feel really confident and comfortable.
- You have a very specific idea based on a piece of art you love, or what or where you want painted on your jacket. Give me a general idea of what you’re thinking about and then we’ll have a zoom call to figure out the details!
THE SKY IS THE LIMIT! If you can dream it, I can paint it.
Shoes, bags, jackets— whatever surface you want it on!